New NASBP Magazine, Surety Bond Quarterly!

NASBP’s new publication, Surety Bond Quarterly, is designed to offer insights and information for surety professionals as well as others who need to stay up-to-date on the industry’s latest news and developments.

The free magazine will be available in a glossy print edition as well as digitally. Its premiere issue is being delivered this summer.

“I am excited about the new Surety Bond Quarterly, because it will help us to confirm and reinforce why surety bonds are still the best and most cost-effective way to help construction businesses and public and private owners alike manage risk and protect all parties, and surety bonds are still by far the best value available anywhere in the world,” said NASBP President Tom Padilla.

Mark McCallum, CEO of NASBP, said the publication is a “first-of-a-kind effort” in that it is also available to project owners, public officials, subcontractors, contracting officers and others who are affected by developments in the surety industry.

“It really benefits NASBP members, but we're offering it for anyone who has an interest in surety bonding or benefits from surety bonding,” he said. It offers “a larger picture of surety bonding and its significance for them.”

McCallum said NASBP decided to publish Surety Bond Quarterly because, while NASBP has several “excellent communication vehicles,” it needed one that would be a venue for conveying the value of what surety professionals do.

“There are so many good stories about how a surety credit relationship helps grow and mature a business, how a surety bond preserves the ability to get a project completed, and how a surety makes sure the owner has a quality pool of contractors to begin with,” but those aren't always the stories that people hear, he said.

The first issue will feature articles examining the claims process for both contract and commercial surety. It also will contain recommendations for networking techniques, a profile of Padilla, and a look-back at this year's NASBP Annual Meeting & Expo.

Some features in the magazine are intended to help NASBP members learn how to further improve as surety professionals. That includes advice on improving their productivity, interactions with clients, and advocacy at events such as NASBP Legislative Fly-ins in Washington, D.C., as well as meetings with Members of Congress in their home districts, McCallum said.

A regular feature, “Practical Insights: What You Need To Know,” will examine key developments and topics of importance to surety professionals.

The print edition of Surety Bond Quarterly will be distributed to the NASBP database by the earlier part of July, and the digital edition will be distributed to the NASBP database by mid-July at which time the website for the magazine,, will also become available. The website will house and archive each digital edition as well as a PDF format of the magazine.

NASBP has identified themes for each issue of the magazine:
  • Summer -- Meetings
  • Fall -- Technology and Resources (this issue includes a resource directory of the NASBP membership)
  • Winter -- Education
  • Spring -- Advocacy

Surety Bond Quarterly is being published through a partnership between NASBP and Naylor, a provider of media and event-management solutions for associations.