As NASBP celebrates its 75th Anniversary, its Government Relations team remains focused on effecting positive change for the NASBP membership. Adapting to a changing political environment has always required a strategic government relations agenda—and NASBP continues to rise to the call. ...
This Agenda describes important government relations activities and initiatives, grouping them in three categories: (1) top priorities, (2) emerging issues, and (3) “watch list” issues. #Legislation #Federal #State #Advocacy
2014 NASBP GR Agenda FINAL.pdf
NASBP/SFAA responds to a Brief published by the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) calling for the Reduction or Elimination of Performance Bonds for state IT Service Contracts. December 19, 2012 #Advocacy #Legislation #IssueBriefs
Response to NASCIO Paper by NASBP-SFAA.pdf
General principles for regulations for the DC Green Building Act that NASBP and SFAA presented to DC officials upon the request of the DC Department of the Environment #Grassroots #SmartBrief #State #GreenBuilding #IssueBriefs #Legislation #Advocacy
general principles dc green.pdf
Comments from NASBP to the Ohio Department of Administrative Services regarding the draft Construction Reform Surety Bond Rules present in a recently passed bill, OH HB 153. #Legislation #CommentLetters #FocalPoint #State #Advocacy #FocalPoint #Advocacy #SmartBrief
DAS Draft Surety Bond Rules.pdf
NASBP has developed these points about Individual Surety and the proposed MD legislation for you to help educate and to share with your legislators. NASBP’s position is that any insurer, whether a natural person or a corporation, should be subject to adequate oversight and control in the...
NASBP Points Opposing Individual Surety.pdf
NASBP’s letter to DC Council Member Cheh opposing legislation to increase bond threshold requirements #State #Advocacy #Advocacy #Legislation #CommentLetters
Chairperson Cheh.pdf
NASBP advocates for a legislative change to Title 41 which provides for an adjustment every five years to the Federal Miller Act based on inflation using the Consumer Price Index. However, Title 41 does allow for exceptions to this automatic threshold increase such as Davis Bacon Act to protect...
Amend 41USC431 - Miller Act.pdf
Curtail the Use of Improper Contract Bundling in Federal Construction Procurements So Small Construction Firms Can Compete #IssueBriefs #Issues #Legislation #Advocacy #Federal #Advocacy
Reforms Needed in the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) on Sections Addressing the Acceptability of Bonds Issued by Individual Sureties #Issues #Advocacy #Legislation #Federal #Advocacy #IssueBriefs