NASBP is the Association solely dedicated to the needs of surety bond producers, their interests, and their businesses. Membership in NASBP delivers measurable returns on your investment, providing opportunities, resources, connections, and tools you simply will not find anywhere else.
NASBP offers three membership categories: Producer Member, Affiliate, and Associate. Choose the one that fits your company.
A NASBP Producer Member is a firm that regularly engages on a commission basis as agent-producer or broker of surety bonds; represents two or more surety companies that are admitted to conduct surety business in at least one state of the United States of America; affirms its commitment to the NASBP Code of Ethics; and signs the NASBP Membership Affidavit.
To find out what your NASBP Producer dues dollars give you, click here. To find out what joining NASBP as a Producer Member entails and to access the member application, click here. |
A NASBP Affiliate is a surety company or a reinsurance company that is admitted to conduct surety business in at least one state of the United States of America; manages general agents for surety companies admitted in at least one state of the United States of America; an agent-producer or broker of reinsurance that regularly engages on a commission basis; and signs the NASBP Membership Affidavit.
To find out what your NASBP Affiliate dues dollars give you, click here. To find out what joining NASBP as an Affiliate entails and to access the affiliate application, click here. |
A NASBP Associate is a business entity that provide accounting, legal, banking, technology or other business or professional services to regular members or affliates or their clients; affirms its commitment to the Mission of the Association; and signs the NASBP Membership Affidavit.
To find out what your NASBP Associate dues dollars give you, click here.To find out what joining NASBP as an Associate entails and to access the associate application, click here. |
NASBP also offers individual membership for retired surety professionals who were associated with an NASBP member company in good standing.
A NASBP Retired Surety Professional are those natural persons who are former employees of regular members and affiliates who are retired from companies in good standing at the point of the employees’ retirement; have been in the surety business 15 or more years before retirement; no longer engage in the production of surety as a producer or an underwriter.
To find out what your NASBP Retired Surety Professional dues dollars give you, click here. To find out what joining NASBP as a Retired Surety Professional membership entails and to access the application, click here.
Thank you for your interest in NASBP. To learn more about joining NASBP, contact Dasha Harris at or 240-200-1282. To request additional NASBP Membership information or be sent an Application Package, click here.