This Agenda describes important government relations activities and initiatives, grouping them in three categories: (1) top priorities, (2) emerging issues, and (3) “watch list” issues. #State ...
General principles for regulations for the DC Green Building Act that NASBP and SFAA presented to DC officials upon the request of the DC Department of the Environment #Grassroots ...
Joint white paper on the NASBP and SFAA position #RiskManagement #ConstructionIndustry #GreenBuilding
NASBP advocates for a legislative change to Title 41 which provides for an adjustment every five years to the Federal Miller Act based on inflation using the Consumer Price Index. However, ...
Reforms Needed in the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) on Sections Addressing the Acceptability of Bonds Issued by Individual Sureties #Issues #Advocacy #Legislation #Federal ...
Reforms Needed in the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) to Engender Consistency and Transparency of Contracting Officer Decisions to Reduce or to Waive Miller Act Bond Requirements #Advocacy ...
Curtail the Use of Improper Contract Bundling in Federal Construction Procurements So Small Construction Firms Can Compete #IssueBriefs #Issues #Legislation #Advocacy #Federal ...
Infrastructure Investment & Surety Bond Assurances #Legislation #Federal #Issues #Advocacy #IssueBriefs #Advocacy