NASBP SuretyJobs is the National Association of Surety Bond Producer's highly targeted resource that matches bond producers, insurance agencies, brokerage firms, surety companies, and certified public accounting firms with the most qualified candidates.
Looking to transition into the world of surety? Already in the surety industry but want to move into a new position?
SuretyJobs is a free resource for job seekers that provides immediate access to surety industry jobs anywhere in the U.S.
Benefits include: Increased exposure for your resume, Optional email alerts for new jobs, Advanced job searching options, Control over career advancement, Ability to save jobs and review at a later date.
View surety job openings today!
Did you plan to hire new staff this year? Remind your hiring staff to post your firm's open jobs at SuretyJobs to gain immediate access to industry resumes.
Don't miss out on current job posting promotions: Use code SURETYJOBS30 for one free 30-day job posting. Code 25OFFSURETY gets 25% an additional 30-day posting and/or a multi-posting package. These offers end April 30, 2025.
SuretyJobs makes filling a position easy and convenient. NASBP Members, Affiliates, and Associates receive a special discounted rate to post a job.
SuretyJobs is 100% devoted to matching individuals with bond producers, insurance agencies, brokers, surety companies, and certified public accounting firms.
Benefits include: Member, Affiliate, and Associate discount, Fast and easy job posting, Quality candidates, Online reports provide job activity statistics, Targeted advertising exposure, Resume searching access, Minimal fee for job postings.
Post your firm's openings today!
NASBP SuretyJobs Career Information and Resources

Why Choose Surety? Hear from the NASBP membership about how they got into the surety industry and the reasons they find it to be a fulfilling career path.

New to the Surety Industry? Learn more about NASBP's in-person and online training courses and find licensure and credentialing information. You can also read about NASBP producers career paths and see what bond agencies and sureties look for in their employees.

Experienced Surety Professionals—Advance Your Surety Skills Learn about NASBP's higher-level Surety School courses and NASBP online continuing education courses. Listen to NASBP Podcast episodes and read articles about furthering your surety career.
NASBP Member and Affiliate Educational Outreach Programs
Alliant Insurance Foundation
SuretyJobs is maintained and operated by Naylor Association Solutions. If you have a question, Naylor has comprehensive support pages, but if you still encounter difficulties, you can call Naylor's customer service at 888.491.8833 between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Eastern Time.
Employers, 25% Off Job Postings to Career Center
Did you plan to hire new staff this year? Remind your hiring staff to post your firm's open jobs at the NASBP Career Center to gain immediate access to industry resumes. As a special incentive, NASBP is offering a 25%-off discount for posting a job to the NASBP Career Center with use of the promotion code: 25OFF2016 when prompted. This offer expires July 31, 2016.