Jason A. Myers

Jason A. Myers
Forvis Mazars

201 North Illinois Street, Suite 700
Indianapolis, IN 46244-0998

Jason A. Myers is a member of the National Construction & Real Estate Group of the national CPA advisory firm, Forvis Mazars (ForvisMazars.com, formerly FORVIS). He is also the East Region team leader of the firm. He has more than 19 years of experience providing assurance, accounting, and consulting services to both public and private companies. Jason was named the 2016 Emerging Growth Leader of BKD’s Construction and Real Estate Group.

He is a member of the American Institute of CPAs, Indiana CPA Society and Construction Financial Management Association (CFMA). His writing has been published in CFMA: Building Profits magazine, and he is a past chair of the CFMA Publications Advisory Group. Jason currently serves on the CFMA Executive Committee. He is a member of Asphalt Pavement Association of Indiana and The Associated General Contractors of America (AGC) and serves on the AGC program and membership committee.

Jason has served as vice president of the Fishers Redevelopment Commission board. He currently serves on the Deans Advisory Council for Butler University Lacy School of Business and is a past member of the Master of Professional Accountancy Advisory Board and a former chair of the Hamilton Southeastern Academy of Finance advisory board. He also was a finalist for the 2017 and 2014 Indy’s Best and Brightest award in accounting and won the award in 2017.

He is a graduate of Butler University, Indianapolis, Indiana, with a B.S. degree in accounting.