The Surety Bond initiative brings everyone together to seamlessly integrate with your existing technology.
The Surety Bond Verification solution is the first international blockchain application for the surety bond industry serving all entities by converging all channels, processes, and entities in a trusted and secure manner where data and documents can seamlessly flow while ensuring the highest standard of data privacy and security. Digital Bonds are tracked and authenticated via non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on the Canopy platform, providing an industrywide accepted single source of truth across all geographies. Additionally, all bonds can be verified, providing evidence that the surety recorded the bond and booked the exposure in their financial systems.
- Provides a common global network for authentication that offers a blockchain backed proof of the bond and Power of Attorney.
- NFT technology to uniquely link Bond Data and Documents
- Utilizes decentralized exchange of NFT (and associated data and documents) across a fully integrated network
Participating sureties represent over 74% of the US and Canada market share, in addition to brokers, agents and solution providers. It’s not too late to join these industry leaders!