NASBP will soon be sending the 2025 membership dues invoices to all NASBP Key Contacts. Once you receive your invoice, we encourage you to review it carefully and arrange for prompt payment. Please note that the NASBP Bylaws now include a policy requiring membership dues to be paid in full no later than March 31, 2025.
Timely payment is essential for maintaining your good standing within NASBP. Members who have not paid their 2025 dues by the deadline will unfortunately lose their good-standing status and, as a result, will not be permitted to attend one of the year’s most anticipated events—the 2025 NASBP Annual Meeting & Expo. This premier gathering is set to take place April 27–30, 2025, in Nashville, TN, and is an unparalleled opportunity to network, learn, and celebrate with surety industry professionals and colleagues.
NASBP membership provides invaluable benefits, including access to industry resources, advocacy efforts, education, and exclusive networking opportunities. To ensure uninterrupted access to these benefits—and to avoid any disruption to your plans to attend the Annual Meeting & Expo—please submit your dues payment on time.
If you have any questions about your invoice or if you have not yet received it, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Dasha Harris for assistance. She can be reached at or 240.200.1282.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Strengthen and support your industry by being active in NASBP in 2025 and beyond! #BackingOurFuture