Don't miss this opportunity to register for any of NASBP's four industry-specific, online training courses through the WebCE training portal and enjoy a fantastic discount of 20% off. Use the coupon code NASBP2024 at checkout to take advantage of these savings.
Each of NASBP’s online courses consists of several hours of self-study and concludes with an online exam. After registering, you can complete the courses at your own pace over the next 12 months. In addition, each of these courses is certified to provide CE credit in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Guam.
Take advantage of this end-of-year savings by registering by December 31, 2024!
NASBP’s On-Demand Online CE Courses Include:
NASBP Contract Surety Fundamentals Course
This course provides a thorough orientation to the contract surety business. A major focus of the course is to have the student understand how construction businesses are organized and managed, with a strong focus on their financial accounting methods and how this relates to their bonding program. The major types of contract surety bonds are reviewed—their purposes, their limits, their risks, and conditions for default. This includes legal requirements, contract language, underwriting processes, participant roles, and the claims process. In addition, the course includes an in-depth review of how to analyze contractor financial statements and organizational information critical to the underwriting process. Register now.
NASBP Commercial Surety: An Introduction Course
This course provides a thorough orientation to commercial surety and gives instruction on how to attend to the details of commercial surety bonds at all relevant stages. The focus is on the key elements of commercial surety and includes legal requirements, underwriting processes, participant roles, and risks. The course describes the required financial information and explains what should be collected and reviewed and why and how this information is used. The student will be introduced to the key aspects of commercial surety bonds, including working with bonds, proven management principles, and the ethical standards and expectations of a professional. Register now.
NASBP Ethics for Surety Bond Producers Course
Ethical behavior is crucial to preserving not only the trust on which transactions are based, but also the public’s trust in the surety industry as a whole. NASBP has created this unique course because the three-party relationships in surety bonding create situations that are more complex than traditional two-party insurance relationships. In order to address these situations, NASBP members and associates supplied real-life examples of ethical dilemmas they have encountered, enabling us to create our first CE-certified online course created by surety bond producers for surety bond producers. This unique learning module can be completed in just a matter of hours. Register now.
NASBP Joint Ventures in Construction Course
A joint venture (JV) is a partnership between two or more businesses to take on a commercial enterprise. JVs have been used in the construction industry for years but have become increasingly common as projects continue to become larger, more complicated, and more specialized. JVs provide the benefits of collaboration and risk sharing while allowing construction companies to maintain their corporate independence. While the opportunities presented by JVs are enticing, contractors, bond producers, and sureties providing bonds to joint ventures must understand and carefully consider a number of factors before taking the leap into the world of joint ventures. Register now.
Use the coupon code NASBP2024 at checkout by December 31, 2024, and save 20% on all NASBP Online CE Courses!