NASBP Welcomes New CPA Advisory Council Participant

NASBP is pleased to announce an addition to the NASBP Certified Public Accountant Advisory Council (CPAAC). NASBP heartily welcomes Tom Dearnley of CliftonLarsonAllen LLP in Quincy, MA, to the CPAAC. He joins the other CPAs currently serving on the NASBP CPAAC: Todd Feuerman of Ellin & Tucker in Baltimore, MD; David V. Jean of Albin, Randall & Bennett in Portland, ME; Martin C. McCarthy of Marcum LLP in Blue Bell, PA; Jason A. Myers of Forvis Mazars in Indianapolis, IN; Carl Oliveri of Grassi & Co. in New York, NY; and Tim Reynolds of Carr, Riggs & Ingram, LLC in Albuquerque, NM. 
Dearnley currently serves as the Managing Principal of CLA's Construction Industry, which is comprised of over 500 family members serving over 9,000 clients. In his role as MPI, he is responsible for setting, overseeing, and guiding the strategic direction of the construction practice.

Dearnley has over 20 years of experience providing assurance and consulting services to general and specialty contractors.
He joined CLA in 2021 through the merger of blumshapiro. During his time at blumshapiro, Dearnley sat on the management team of the firm, was the managing principal of the assurance practice, and led the construction team.

This December Julian Xavier, one of our esteemed and dedicated participants on the CPAAC, is retiring from the Council, as he is simultaneously retiring from Clifton Larson Allen. We at NASBP thank him for sharing with NASBP his knowledge, experience, expertise, and time for the benefit of our members and the public. We at NASBP wish him a fulfilling and happy retirement! 
The CPAAC, inaugurated by NASBP in 2015, is comprised of distinguished CPAs with expert knowledge of and experience with financial, tax, and accounting issues in the construction and surety industries. The mission statement for the CPAAC states as follows:
The NASBP CPA Advisory Council is constituted for the purpose of serving as a resource team to NASBP and providing substantive content to NASBP for articles, programs, and presentations on tax and other financial issues regarding surety, government contracts and construction law topics for the betterment of the surety industry.
The Council participants serve as valuable resources to NASBP, providing outstanding informational content for various articles, virtual seminars, podcasts, and in-person presentations.