March 5 is Deadline for NASBP & SFAA Surety Industry Award Nominations

StarHelp us celebrate and recognize the excellence of individual surety professionals and local surety associations for their work in 2024 on behalf of the surety industry.

Nominations for the 2024 NASBP and SFAA Surety Industry Awards are due by Wednesday, March 5, 2025.

Members of NASBP and of The Surety & Fidelity Association of America and local surety associations can complete nomination forms for the Tiger Trust Award, Platinum Award, and the Local Surety Association (LSA) Awards representing Gold Award, Silver Award, and Advocacy Award levels.

Criteria for Awards:

Tiger Trust
The prestigious Tiger Trust award is given to an individual NASBP or SFAA member who successfully persuades private owners or lenders to specify contract surety bonds on their projects.

Platinum Award
The Platinum Award is for an individual NASBP or SFAA member whose efforts to promote contract surety bonds have had a significant impact on the surety industry. This award is not based on the volume of activities, but on the successful outcome of the individual’s actions in promoting the value and benefits of contract surety bonds. 

Gold Award
The Gold Award is awarded to a Local Surety Association (LSA) that conducts at least ten (10) public relations and educational activities in a calendar year to promote the use of contract surety bonds in construction to non-surety, non-insurance, or non-lawyer audiences.

Silver Award
The Silver Award is awarded to LSAs that conduct at least five public relations and educational activities in a calendar year to promote the use of contract surety bonds in construction to non-surety, non-insurance, or non-lawyer audiences.

Advocacy Award
The Advocacy Award is awarded to LSAs that conduct significant activities advocating for suretyship, other than public relations or educational, such as fighting legislative efforts to waive bonds or increase bond thresholds, or advocating for reasonable bond forms.

Now is the time to be preparing your nominations for the 2024 NASBP & SFAA Surety Industry Awards. All entrants must complete the nomination forms, which are available to download from the awards website.

Judging will take place in March of 2025, and awards will be announced at the annual meetings of the NASBP and SFAA in the spring of 2025.

For complete details about the Surety Industry Awards and Tiger Trust, visit the Surety Industry Awards website.