ConsensusDocs Webinars Dive into Alternative Dispute Resolution in Construction
The construction industry has a successful history using alternative dispute resolution (ADR) processes to settle disputes instead of costly and time-consuming litigation. ConsensusDocs is offering three separate, related webinars, each led by industry experts, to delve specifically into mediation, arbitration, and dispute review boards (DRBs).
ConsensusDocs will offer the first two webinars in July. Experienced mediators and arbitrators will provide insights on these types of dispute resolutions.
The first webinar, "Mediation Maximized: Essentials to Crafting Better Results through Mediation," will be held on Tuesday, July 16 at 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time. This presentation will provide valuable insights on how the parties' involvement plays a crucial role in resolving disputes and fostering strong working relationships. The presenters will discuss the risks and benefits of mediation for construction executives compared to litigation and arbitration.
"Unlocking the Advantages of Arbitration Over Litigation: Optimizing Time and Cost Savings" will be held on Thursday, July 18 at 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time. This webinar will offer insights into the arbitration process, including strategic choices to make in the contract phase of a project that can help if a dispute arises. The presenters will explore the advantages and potential drawbacks of arbitration over litigation.
Registration for each webinar is $99. The NASBP membership can use the NASBP discount code W24Q3JULNASBP for $20 off the registration fee, bringing the total to $79 per webinar.
ConsensusDocs will hold the third webinar in August. The final webinar, "Using Dispute Review Boards (DRBs) to Proactively Resolve Claims," will take place on Wednesday, August 28 at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time. This presentation will highlight how to use DRBs to create a “claim free zone.” The speakers will also offer critical practice pointers on how to set up a DRB to maximize their effectiveness.
By attending these ConsensusDocs webinars, construction practitioners, as parties to disputes, can make informed decisions to utilize ADR for maximum time and cost savings. Additionally, the ADR webinars will provide insights from experienced mediators, arbitrators, and DRB members on dispute resolution. Importantly, you’ll also gain insights on how to potentially bridge the gap and communicate effectively with opposing parties to resolve disputes.
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NASBP is an endorsing organization of the ConsensusDocs coalition, an unprecedented effort by 42 industry organizations to identify industry best practices and to incorporate such practices in a new generation of consensus industry standard form documents.